Creepy AI humanoid Sophia is granted the world's first robot VISA as she embarks on a world tour  - DAILY MAIL | | Новости
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Creepy AI humanoid Sophia is granted the world's first robot VISA as she embarks on a world tour  - DAILY MAIL

16:02 - 31 / 10 / 2018
Creepy AI humanoid Sophia is granted the world's first robot VISA as she embarks on a world tour  - DAILY MAIL

The AI humanoid Sophia has been granted the world's first robot visa as she embarks on a world tour on behalf of her Hong Kongese creators.

She was issued the electronic visa upon her arrival at Azerbaijan's Baku International Airport shortly before meeting the Caucasus nation's president, Ilham Aliyev.

The AI celebrity is in Azerbaijan for a tech conference, where she is a keynote speaker.

Sophia first emerged two years ago as a super-intelligent human-like head with a realistic face that was able to blink, look from side to side and talk.

Mr. President, I am pleased to meet with you. Azerbaijan has amazed me,' Sophia said as she met with Aliyev in the southern Azerbaijani city of Imishli last week.

'I have seen Baku's unique architectural style, modern buildings and other technological achievements.'

Both were attending the opening ceremony of a new service centre built by the Azerbaijan Service and Assessment Network (Asan), the country's e-government platform.

Having just taken over all of Azerbaijan's e-government services, Asan issued the robot with an electronic Visa upon her arrival in Baku.

'Despite your busy schedule you have visited Azerbaijan and it pleases us very much,' Aliyev said.

'We are opening together with you a new Asan center. It is also innovation and it reflects our capacity and intention to build up our modern country.

Sophia is modelled after Audrey Hepburn, and was designed by Hong Kong firm Hanson Robotics.

She controversially became the world's first robot to be granted legal rights at an event in Saudi Arabia last year.

While Sophia has some impressive capabilities, she does not yet have consciousness, and it is unclear how much her AI drives her movement and speech.

Daily Mail


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