Azerbaijan's Ambassadors On The Country’s History, Economy And Elections | | Новости
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Azerbaijan's Ambassadors On The Country’s History, Economy And Elections

12:34 - 26 / 03 / 2017
Azerbaijan's Ambassadors On The Country’s History, Economy And Elections

As an oil-rich country on the border of Southeast Europe, Asia and the Middle East, Azerbaijan has drawn from a variety of cultures and influences.

Azerbaijan is the only country to border both Iran and Russia. Other neighbors include Georgia, Turkey and Armenia. Its location makes it a cross roads.

Elin Suleymanov, Azerbaijan's ambassador to the United States, recalls a conversation between President Ilham Aliyev and Pope Francis. “Azerbaijan has always been the bridge between East and West," the pope said.

In 1991, Azerbaijan gained its independence after a history of war and external control. The Russian-Persian Wars in the early 1800s caused Azerbaijan to be occupied by Iran until Russia took control. After a brief period of independence in the early 20th century, Azerbaijan was absorbed by the Soviet Union. The small country regained its independence when the USSR crumbled in 1991. Nevertheless, a significant number of Azerbaijanis still reside in Iran.

Azerbaijan remains in conflict with neighboring Armenia. The two countries have feuded over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, they do not have diplomatic relations, and their border is closed.

Azerbaijan’s varied influences and cultures have created a political and social environment that stands out among its neighbors. It was the first predominantly Muslim democratic republic in 1918. Lasting only 23 months, the attempt failed. Yet, it set the stage for inclusiveness - women and minorities were given the equal right to vote.

“All of these influences provide for a very secular, very modern and extremely diverse and inclusive society. And we're very proud of it,” Suleymanov told KGOU’s World Views.

Suleymanov believes his country’s history has helped prepare it for its current stability.

“It has been difficult but I think those storms became a vaccination for my people and I'm very proud of the people of Azerbaijan who now build on the historic chance to build an independent country,” Suleymanov said.

Elin Suleymanov was appointed as the Ambassador of the Azerbaijan Republic to the United States in 2011. His diplomacy started in Los Angeles where he was the first General Consul on the West Coast.

Before his work as ambassador, Suleymanov worked with the United Nations’ High Commissioner on behalf of refugees in Azerbaijan. As a scholar and Azerbaijani diplomat, Suleymanov has authored many articles on platforms like the Washington Post.

Suleymanov describes the United States as an ally. “We have common goals, common visions,” he said. Ambassador calls Azerbaijan an emerging democracy that takes into account its own pace of development.

Azerbaijan’s economy continues to move forward. Oil production gave Azerbaijan its “big break” into economic success. However, Suleymanov understands that oil is finite, and a boom in oil revenue will be followed by a bust.

Suleymanov says Azerbaijan has not squandered its oil wealth, and is using the revenue to invest in infrastructure improvements, such as the largest port in the Caspian Sea, a railway project and creating the cargo airline, Silk Way.

KGOU Radio, BBC World Service


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